
Canterbury Golf Club

R&A Women In Golf Charter

A commitment to a more inclusive culture within golf

We, the signatories, call on everyone involved in golf to play their part in developing a culture that values women’s involvement in every aspect of the sport, from participating to pursuing a career.

Our aim is to increase the number of women and girls playing and working in golf. To achieve this goal and to enable women to flourish throughout golf, we recognise the need for a fundamental shift in culture.

There is a clear, ethical need for change and the potential economic benefits of growing the sport through more women and girls playing are substantial. The R&A commits to playing a leading role in this process and to working with affiliates, partners and the wider golf industry towards achieving this goal.

In signing this Charter, we commit to making tangible efforts to develop a welcoming and inspiring environment for women. We will do more to attract women into golf, to remain, and to have rewarding careers.

The Charter:

• Is a statement of intent from the golf industry to unite and to focus on gender balance

• Commits us all to supporting measures to increase the number of women, girls and families playing golf

• Calls for positive action to encourage women to pursue careers in all areas of the sport

• Recognises the need for change that creates an inclusive environment within golf

Signatories commit to activate this Charter by:

• Developing and implementing an internal strategy for enhancing gender balance at every level

• Establishing senior management responsibility and accountability for gender balance and inclusion

• Strongly advocating more women and girls playing and working in golf

• Working with key stakeholders to develop and embed a more inclusive culture

• Promoting the Charter and our goal of encouraging more women and girls to play golf and work in golf.

Instagram Feed coming soon

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